Part 36: Welcome To Wizard Hell (Battle)
Chapter 15: Welcome To Wizard Hell (Battle)This map was slightly harder than I expected/remembered, but it wasnt so bad.

Gharnef the sun is out.
Gharnef youre in the desert. You dont need that fireball.

That might be important.

That also might be important, but it has way more Proper Nouns.

Fliers are really good on this map. Pegasus Knights also happening to have high resistance is just icing.

It is better if they hit, though. Cmon, Palla.

Thankfully we do have a (dark) Mage of our own.

Hes ready for this map in particular now.

I just kinda wanted that out of my inventory. Again, I think Maria now takes 0 Damage from any magic user here, except Gharnef.

Though its much less impactful than what the fliers can do, Pirates can also skip over this tiny chunk of river, saving a few turns. That might actually matter, given another element of this map well see soon.

The enemies move! At least, the Dracoknights near the northeast do.

Much more importantly, so does Gharnef.

Probably unsurprisingly, we want to avoid Gharnef. That 22 Damage from Imhullu is a killer with the shit Res across the board in Shadow Dragon, and 19 Speed means he stands a pretty solid chance of doubling your units, especially slowpokes like Wolf.
Gharnef can one round kill General Wolf. Be careful.

Dont worry, thats not his range Cords sitting in. Thats a Dracoknight.

See? Were all good.

Were no longer good

The pressure is on now, though. A Dracoknight is supporting Gharnefs menace here. I want to make sure he doesnt Javelin Maria or Wendell.

To do that I made this weirdass formation that conveniently blocks off any squares within 1-2 Range of Maria.
I dont even know if he can one round her but this looked cool so I did it.

Meanwhile this Thief picked the absolute worst time to show up.


Recover is just a flat out full heal. Not bad.

While most of the team nervously inches away from Gharnef, Minerva, Caeda, Barst, and Marth are going to start working on the enemies on the west side of the map.

Not much to worry about from this guy.

This is unpleasant, though.

Impending Gharnef also means I dont want to leave anyone in melee range, meaning that Dracoknights going to continue being a hassle for at least another turn.

Wolf and Catria still get hits in.

Formation Healer Defense is a go, again.

Obnoxiously, the range on both these mages lines up perfectly with Gharnefs. Theyll be annoying to Julian, and if he tries to escape on the right, hell just run into the big man himself. Its a rock and a hard place!

Caeda cares not for rocks.

Cord, thanks to tome users moving quick in the desert because they float or something, I dunno, manages to break right and get ready to take down another of the chaff mages.

Speaking of. I used Hauteclere here because I didnt want her to take the 12 damage. Youll see why.

Evidently there was something here earlier. Now theres Barst. (It was the Bishop Minerva pulled over.)

Linde should also be able to lure over the last Dracoknight. 3 Defense is painful to look at, but Lindes function has always been to be a tactical nuke with her Magic and Aura for that extra punch when I need it.

Heres why I was worried about Minervas HP. The boss on the castle is going to throw bugs at her from a long distance. Extremely rude. Worth noting, fliers dont get terrain bonuses, so this fort isnt helping with evasion. Swarm just has naturally bad accuracy.

Cords still a glass cannon, even against mages, but Bolganone does work.

I have that issue with both of these guys. Lindes more extreme with it, though.

Also shit, here he comes.

Wendells still got a Physic handy, at least.

Theres another Dracoknight coming for Cord, so he needed it. Im making a mistake here I dont realize.

Thankfully this stretch of terrain is technically plains, so Julian can escape Gharnefs range.

The Dragoon also goes down to a lousy Thunder tome. Not wasting charges on that joker.

The one down here meets a more dignified end.

A Catria themed end.

From Enemy Phase 5 onward, a new mage will spawn where Gharnef started and start running at you.

Also, more bugs, but Julian can dodge them.
Minerva did get healed by the fort, at least, thats evidently not considered a terrain feature.

Cord also gets a good dodge off. This was a lucky turn. Sadly, this wasnt a double because Bolganone is heavy.

Thus the Curate just heals that Dragoon back to full. Dammit.

See, this is what I should have done the first time.

Caeda also nonchalantly dispatches the boss. Later, generic Bishop. See you on the Normal run.

This is beginning to get uncomfortable.

After 6 turns of chasing us around, Gharnefs thrown out his back and his widows peak is all agitated.

He departs for Fantasy Egypt, I guess.

Most importantly, this means were finally free of Gharnef, as well as all the enemies on the west end of the map. (Except for one Curate.) Now its just a matter of cleaning up to get to those chests!

The first of the Gharnef Replacements reached our team. It was a mistake.

This seems like a great time to show off the Barrier Staff. Its a niche little item, but when its useful, its really useful.

Like right here. Guess whos nearly invincible now?

Great job as always, Wendell.

Wolf also pitches in. Maybe I should have brought Javelins that werent held together with chewing gum.

Turn 8 brings a more obnoxious reinforcement type along with the usual Mage, a new Dracoknight in the northeast section. This map is really full of empty space, those are the only reinforcement spawn points.

Thankfully I didnt have anyone too squishy there. Remember that Hard Mode means reinforcements can attack as soon as they spawn!
Its dumb!

I cant do quite enough damage to kill the Dragoon from there, so Ill get Caeda out. Caesar and Cain move to block.

One of the mages ran past Catria to go for Wolf. I guess it was technically a better choice.

I almost forgot about this guy.

Caesar also dispatches of our flying foe with a stylish Crit. Those Dracoknights have a lot of defense.

Worth it for that level, though.

Pallas going to go block their spawn so I dont have to deal with that anymore.

The only really interesting thing about the shops north of the castle is that they sell another replacement Rapier, but at this point the Rapiers might is so low its lost a lot of its strength.

No more Dracoknights. No more reinforcements, actually, the Mages have finally stopped as well.
There are still two of em kinda loitering on that east edge, out of the way of everyone and everything, though.

I do it for the experience.

Thats okay too.

Once Julian finally hauls his ass over there, the first chest has a nice reward.

Thats pretty damn good in Shadow Dragon, the game where Res is more dead than Con.

The other one has an Energy Drop. Nice, but nothing we havent seen before.

Only about 12 extra turns for those two chests!

Its haunted.

Oddly, a portrait for Ghostly Glowy Gotoh doesnt seem to exist. I think they just put a filter over his normal one.
Ill do my best.

Evidently Gharnef and Medeus arent as buddy-buddy as the intro may have us believe. I dont think any of Medeus lackeys actually like him.

Miloah was Lindes father, in case you forgot. Gharnef killed him. Makes sense, given that Imhullu does make him completely immune to harm, which carries over into gameplay!

I think this is the first time they say Orbs in this series. Hail the first Orb.

That sounds like a good idea.

Still, Marth has unfinished business. Well take care of that soon.
Bonus Content

The Eldest Of The Three Pegasus Sisters, Palla
That Pegasus looks concerned.